
The main purpose of this theory is to explain to the reader that:

-          State debt, accumulating as annual deficit is inevitable and necessary for a proper functioning economy

-          Only countries with trade surpluses or engaging in quantitative easing can have long term balanced

-          Having long term trade surplus is not a strategy possible for all at the same time and causes somebody
           else to run a deficit.

-          You cannot decrease state debt without monetary action if you are not ruining your neighbors in the
           process by having trade surpluses.

-          State debt exists as necessary tool to enable creation of savings
           ( employees  - from salaries or entrepreneurs from profit)

-          Without recurring state deficits  there could not be recurring profits, savings.

-          Attempts to decrease state debt without monetary actions are doomed to fail:
           They are in fact the same as attempts to decrease personal savings.

-          Attempts to put a limit on state debt equal to call for ceiling on personal savings, profits.

-          If we want to create profits and save, we have to run deficits

-          It is the state debt that allows the savings to be retained, not the other way around.

-          State debt is not eating out future generations, it is just inevitable mechanism
           how to create profits and savings at present.


The theory also proposes new financial framework, which is based on:

-          Fully digitalized financial system, without any paper money

-          Closed circle of money circulation within defined economic blocs
         ( money is not allowed to leave defined economic bloc)

-          Each such economic bloc is able to tax directly excessive savings through negative retail interest rates
            ( which are not able to escape because of closed block and full digitalization)



The benefits of such system would be:

-          Ability to overcome zero lower bound
            ( situation, when interest rates are near zero and economy is still in depression)

-          New, currently missing tool for central banks to stimulate spending and eliminate unemployment

-          Eliminate need for jobs outsourcing by subsidizing particular industries

-          Ability to eliminate poverty and increase economy growth by providing subsidies above primary productivity

-          Ability to pass smoothly productivity gains to the people as additional free time

-          Ability to eliminate unemployment through managed decreases of productivity offsetted by subsidies

-          Eliminating need for quantitative easing and thus ensuring stability of currencies and international balance

-          Ensuring sustainability of financial system through endless flow of money,
            without grid locks created by excessive hoarding.